UV Tanning Tips
A: Light is essential to all life on earth. There are various physiological and psychological reasons why exposure to light is desirable and necessary. There’s a growing body of scientific evidence showing people actually require light exposure to function effectively. Light exposure causes the brain to suppress the release of the hormone melatonin that acts as a depressant in the body and exposure to light produces various health benefits, such as the production of the very necessary Vitamin D3 in the prevention of bone diseases (such as osteoporosis) and in the improvement of symptoms of psoriasis.
People who are exposed to longer hours of bright light feel happier and are able to enjoy life. Potential health benefits include but are not limited to: production of Vitamin D, decreased risks of breast and colon cancer, and reduced risk of sunburn. The psychological benefits of tanning are also well researched. Sunlight deprivation has been linked to some mental disorders. There are numerous reasons, physical and psychological, why exposure to ultraviolet light is desirable. FDA regulations at the present time prevent the indoor tanning industry from making any medical representations or claims related to indoor tanning exposure. And of course, people know that a great tan looks good, feels good, and can add to personal confidence and attractiveness.
A: You must be 16+ to use a UV-free service, such as a Spray Tan. You must be 18+ for any UV bed.
A: Some people choose to wear a swimsuit, just as they would at the beach. But, because of the privacy of indoor tanning, most tan in the nude to avoid tan lines. Any skin that has never been exposed to ultraviolet light before will be more sensitive. These parts must acquire a tan slowly. Cut down the exposure time for these areas to 1/3 or less of the total time recommended by your tanning professional. When you can’t see any tan lines on your body at all, it’s okay to expose that skin the same length of time as the rest of your body.
A: Indoor tanning lotions also known as “accelerators” add nutrients your body needs to produce melanin. Our line of quality accelerators contain vitamin A, C, E, and botanicals that moisturize and increase blood flow, thus increasing oxygenation of melanin cells to help speed up the tanning process. UV rays reflect off of dry skin, the moisturizers in tanning accelerators help you absorb UV rays for better results. You will tan about twice as fast and keep your tan twice as long.
A: Yes, in fact, sometimes more so because you are in a controlled environment. Your skin produces a tan the same way in an indoor tanning salon as it does when you lay out in the sun: through ultraviolet (UV) light. However, out in the sun, you cannot control the amount of UV light exposure and trying to achieve an all-over even-body tan is very difficult. Indoor tanning allows you to control the amount of UV light, for an all-over even tan. With indoor tanning you can gradually increase your exposure time eliminating any sunburn, which is harmful to the skin. The results and convenience of an “indoor tan” allows a year round healthy looking tan without concerns of prolonged exposure to the burning rays of the sun.
A: NO, just as the word indicates outdoor products should ONLY be used outdoors, as they can cause a film on the acrylic. This actually inhibits the tanning process, rather than acting as an amplifying agent. There are many excellent indoor tanning products for that purpose. Ask our tanning professional for recommendations.
A: To build an awesome tan, tan regularly. Allowing too much time between visits will cause your tan to fade. Most people will see a skin color change after the first few sessions. Normally, you will have a good base tan in 6-10 sessions. Then one or two sessions a week thereafter will maintain your tan year round. There are special cells in the skin called melanocytes. Ultraviolet B rays stimulate these cells and cause them to produce melanin. As these cells migrate to the surface of the skin, ultraviolet A rays oxidize them; thus creating a tan. Each of us has a different amount of melanin. Fair-skinned, fair-haired people generally have less than dark-haired, dark-skinned people. This determines, for the most part, how quickly and how dark your skin will tan.
A: Moisturize! Moisturize! Healthy skin tans faster, darker, and retains a tan longer. Drink plenty of water and make sure to keep your skin moisturized with a high quality lotion especially formulated-for-tanning. Your skin is constantly renewing itself. The dryer your skin is, the faster it wants to shed its top layers and bring new skin to the surface. You lose the top layers, you lose your tan. Dry layers on the surface of your skin will block the UV rays from getting to the other layers to tan them. Even with moisturizing you will still need to maintain a tanning schedule of every 4 to 5 days, or at least once a week, to keep your tan, because your skin is reproducing new cells all the time.
A: Only if you do a “Double Dip”. To get an “instant” tan or an “extra boost” to your tan you should consider using our sunless Spray Booth immediately after tanning in a bed or booth. In just seconds you can have the natural-looking Cocoa Bronz color you desire. There is no such limitation for spray booth tans and spray booth tanning is allowed on the same day as a traditional tanning session.
A: The FDA requires 24 hours between tanning sessions. We recommend allowing at least 1 day in-between sessions whenever time allows.
A: Absolutely! Tanning is a process that can take up to 24 hours to develop. You can not “wash” away your tan, unless you are using a self tanner, shaving right away, or by exfoliating.
A: Low pressure units emit both UVA & UVB at a low energy level. Low pressure units will give more of a red tone tan, and you’ll need to maintain more often. High pressure units generate UVC, UVB, & UVA, but by means of a sophisticated filtering system, only UVA is emitted during a tanning session. It will take fewer sessions with a high pressure unit it to build a golden tan and to keep it.
A: Yes! It is very important! Your skin can tan – your eyes can’t! Federal law requires all tanning salons to supply customers with proper eye protection. This eyewear must meet federal government standards by blocking 99% of UVA and UVB rays. Closing the eyelids or using sunglasses or cotton balls is not adequate protection as the UV rays will easily penetrate these things and continue into the eyes.
A: Phototherapy (use of UV light) has been used in treating the skin problems of this condition. Tanning dries the skin and this can help keep acne outbreaks to a minimum in acute cases and can help eliminate outbreaks in mild cases. There are also many drugs, including tetracycline and Retin-A, which are also used for the treatment of acne and because these drugs can render the skin photosensitive, one must take extreme care with UV exposure when medicated.
A: A growing body of scientific evidence exists that shows some people require more light exposure in order to function properly. Bright light exposure, such as the mid-day summer sun, causes the brain to suppress the release of the hormone melatonin which acts as a depressant in the body if generated during the daytime. Effected people, exposed to longer hours of bright light, feel happier and more able to enjoy life. Bright light sources emitting only visible light are now frequently used to successfully treat Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) and Sub-syndrome Seasonal Affective Disorder (SSAD).